by Casey Robazza | Dec 23, 2018 | Casey Speaks Hair Replacement, Non-surgical hair replacement, Style
You’re dealing with hair loss. You’re in transition from a full head of natural hair to baldness. You’ve thought over your options. You’ve decided you don’t want your image presented as baldness. You want hair. You’ve researched your options for surgical and...
by Casey Robazza | Oct 1, 2018 | Hair Systems, Style
CaseySpeaksHairReplacement: “Professional Hairstyling and Hair Replacement: You Trusted Your Natural Hair to Professional Styling. Are You Trusting Your Hair Replacement Hair to Professional Styling?” Okay…you no longer have your natural hair. You now have hair...
by Casey Robazza | Sep 27, 2016 | Casey Speaks Hair Replacement, Hair Loss
There are three main classifications of hair type based on race: African hair, Asian hair, and Caucasian hair. While each classification of hair type consists of unique features/qualities, each classification is subject to thinning and balding over a man or women’s...