by Casey Robazza | Feb 23, 2021 | Hair Loss
Hair loss takes on many forms. A man or women knows when they are experiencing hair loss. But hair loss is a broad, generic terminology. When you begin noticing that you are losing hair, ask yourself “What kind of hair loss am I dealing with?” Natural Choice Hair Loss...
by Casey Robazza | Dec 14, 2020 | Non-surgical hair replacement
Natural Choice Hair Replacement’s (NCHR’s) primary concern in the COVID 19 world reality currently facing us is the health and safety of everyone. NCHR is open for business, actively providing non-surgical hair replacement services with the same skill, care, attention...
by Casey Robazza | Dec 31, 2019 | Casey Speaks Hair Replacement, Hair Systems
When we say “Hair systems customized to your specifications” we are eliminating the notion of wigs and toupees. Wigs and toupees are generic stock categorizations. Wigs – you throw on. Toupees – you slap on. The fit is not customized to your unique hairline. And the...
by Casey Robazza | Mar 6, 2019 | Casey Speaks Hair Replacement, Male and Female Pattern Baldness and Thinning Hair
Nothing is as permanent as change. That’s an adage that resonates with people in many ways in today’s world marked by fast-changing trends and changing laws and social mores and values. Consider the topics hair loss, balding, and hair replacement. It’s not that long...
by Casey Robazza | Dec 23, 2018 | Casey Speaks Hair Replacement, Non-surgical hair replacement, Style
You’re dealing with hair loss. You’re in transition from a full head of natural hair to baldness. You’ve thought over your options. You’ve decided you don’t want your image presented as baldness. You want hair. You’ve researched your options for surgical and...