When we say “Hair systems customized to your specifications” we are eliminating the notion of wigs and toupees. Wigs and toupees are generic stock categorizations. Wigs – you throw on. Toupees – you slap on. The fit is not customized to your unique hairline. And the fitting process is key to your end goal of getting back your natural look with hair. And just as wigs and toupees are generally stock items cut from bulk hair rolls, hair systems customized to your specifications are made to order from scratch. Hair systems customized to order to meet your unique specifications are what Natural Choice Hair Replacement (NCHR) is all about.
NCHR Custom Hair Systems – What’s Involved?
After consultation about your hair loss situation and you have decided you want to address your hair loss with a NCHR customized non-surgical hair system, we perform a sketch outline of your natural hairline. It’s a simple process free of pain. Then, you decide the characteristics of your NCHR hair system. The type of base – mesh, polymer or a combination of the two? NCHR supports you with recommendations and samples based on our 30+ years’ experience helping women and men realize their natural look with hair systems. Customized hair systems, that is. Then there is texture. Do you want hair that replicates the hair you are losing or have lost? Or do you want a bit thicker body to the hair that will comprise your customized hair system? Again – NCHR supports you with recommendations and samples. Considerations extend to hair length, straightness/waviness, and density. And color, of course. Time to look at swatches. NCHR provides a spectrum of color. (Check out our blog from December 2018 entitled Your Hair Replacement Image in Color.)
With your custom specifications decided, we proceed with the manufacture of your customized non-surgical hair system. Is there wait time? Yes. We’re customizing. We’re customizing to your perfect fit. We’re customizing to your exact specifications using quality bases and hair and color matching agents. The time that customizing takes ensures the delivery of a hair system made to provide you with the natural look you want with hair for the long term.
On delivery, we apply your new custom hair system using either bonds (medicinal tapes or glues) or clips. Regardless of the method of attachment, because your system was manufactured to match your natural hairline you will see yourself with a “new” head of hair that contours to your cranium. Then, we go to work on crafting your new system. New systems come with excess hair that we work to meet your desired length and weaves and waves and overall style.
With your new hair system delivered and applied and styled, you’re ready to get actively engaged on your life activities with a full head of hair. But your engagement with NCHR has only just begun. Custom hair systems require periodic removal and washing and styling. Recall your days before dealing with hair loss when you were at your hair stylist or barber every few weeks or so for a shampoo and haircut or re-styling? Same idea with your new hair system…only now it’s about service/support crafting. NCHR performs crafting routines in our Crafting Room. Crafting involves washing, ventilating (adding hair), conditioning, matching colour, styling, curling, straightening, sewing…these tasks and more are performed in the Crafting Room. Crafting is meticulous. Crafting is precise. Crafting is shaping with precision dictated by the unique situation of the client. It’s taking density into account. Thin but not too thin and knowing the difference. Crafting considers that light draws your eye forward, dark draws it back: the consideration taken into account, the hands accentuate the hair to different parts of the face or head. Crafting is pin-pointing the length of centre balance hair (on top) and determining where the eye goes….center of eye, outside eye, cheekbone, hollow of the cheek, jaw-line. Crafting is all this and more. NCHR’s experience serves well here…NCHR has crafted 2000+ custom hair system solutions for men and women.
From initial consultation to delivery of your new hair system to ongoing hair system lifecycle service/support, the overall process is NCHR’s Listen, Look, Craft, Support Approach…For the Long Term. With 30+ years’ experience, NCHR is proven as a stabilizing influence both short and long term: short term in working side-by-side with you to formulate your “look” with hair, and long term in serving as your stylist, coach, and, yes – even friend.
great post to read
Tks Allen….hope your staying well:)
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